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Crowdfunding for African eBooks accessible to blind and visually impaired people

NENA is launching a crowdfunding campaign to finance the production and distribution of African digital books accessible to blind and visually impaired people.

This campaign is in partnership with the Islamic Development Bank, through its ISDB INNOVATE initiative. See

It all started in 2014 when INEFJA, the National Institute for Education and Training of Young Blind People in Thiès (Senegal) expressed its need for digital versions of a number of books on the programme.

At the time, it was a heartbreak for the entire NENA team not to follow up on this request given the strategic priorities of the company, the state of the art in the manufacture of accessible digital books and production costs.

Today, the development of digital technologies in the publishing field now makes it possible to produce accessible digital books adapted to blind and visually impaired people. NENA has even produced a first accessible eBook in ePub3 format and is currently continuing its self-learning process. This project is the first step in making the bulk of NENA’s catalogue accessible to blind and visually impaired people. It thus contributes to the fulfilment of NENA’s mission as a social enterprise.

NENA invites you all to contribute to this crowdfunding campaign and/or to share in your networks.

For more information:


*Photo by Doug Linstedt on Unsplash